Our Aim
1.Provide student opportunities including missions
to the unreached people and communities. These ministry times will also incorporate reaching out to the poor, the sick and
the oppressed.
2.Facilitate fellowship among students and those associated with other youth ministries.
students in God's work through evangelism,missionary works,tracts sharing,campus witnessing,personal retreat and camp meetings.
C. Our Objectives
A.To provide educational programmes for orphans and
other vulnerable children in,our communities,and support the provision of safe and clean water.
To educate the kids for
the prevention of Malaria,and other diseases thats affects them through ignorance.
advocate for the rights of children mainly through sentisization and advocacy with community leaders and liasion officers,serminars,workshops
and radio programmes about children rights.
initiate support and promote programmes concerned with provisions of relief aid,rehabilitation and development for children.
preach the gospel of Christ to the lost
encourage and provide means to improve on the upbringing of children and minimizing the incidence of juvenile delinquency.
promote health care and environmental protection schemes children, link up with government, non-government organizations
and community based organizations to carry out effective delivery of services and to sensitize the children about HIV/AIDS
and its prevention.
mission, goals,objectives set forth our philosophy of the foundation. This, in turn, must form the foundation for our thinking
and activities as a body of people. It directs us in what we ought to be doing. Anything which does not contribute to this
philosophy of our mission, goals and objectives should then be either corrected, rejected or alleviated from the activities
of the foundation.