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The Sending Place Team, Early Child Development School,Sweduro

James and Cindy,Erin the Mission Team

Area 238,533 Grasslands in north, farmland and forest in south. Centre dominated by the 520 km-long Lake Volta, Africa's largest man-made lake.

Population Ann.Gr. Density
2000 20,212,495 +2.75% 85 per sq. km.
2010 26,366,959 +2.65% 111 per sq. km.
2025 36,876,215 +2.02% 155 per sq. km.

Most of the population live in the southern provinces.

Capital Accra 2,250,000. Other main cities: Kumasi 992,000; Sekondi-Takoradi 400,000; Tamale 270,000. Urbanites 37%.

About 100 ethnic groups.

Kwa 71.1%. Five major groups in centre and south.

Akan 48.1%. 26 groups; largest: Ashanti 2,890,000; Fante 2,447,000; Brong (Abron) 765,000; Akyem 623,000; Akwapim 481,000; Nzema 416,000; Kwahu 403,000; Wasa 249,000; Anyi 179,000; Ahanta 135,000. Most speak dialects of Twi.

Ewe(3) 11.5%. 2,333,000 in southeast.

Ga-Adangme(3) 7.3%. 1,476,000 around Accra.

Guang(14) 3.4%. Gua(4) 280,000; Gonja 194,000; Awutu 168,000.

Central Togo(14) 0.8%. A medley of small peoples on the eastern border.

Gur 25.4%. 34 peoples in 3 major sub-groups in the north. Larger groups: Dagomba 766,000; Gurenne (Frafra) 728,000; Dagaaba 616,000; Konkomba 480,000; Kusasi 373,000; Mamprusi 350,000; Sisaala(3) 324,000; Mossi 324,000; Bulsa 191,000; Gurunsi (Nankana) 169,000; Wala 144,000; Kasena 113,000; Bimoba 102,000; Birifor 87,000; Nafaanra 80,000; Kotokoli Kulango 76,000; Dega (Mo) 25,000.

Mande 1.1%. Largest of 5 peoples: Busansi 173,000; Jula-Malinke 115,000; Ligbi 13,000.

Other 2.4%. Fulbe 100,000; Westerners 50,000; refugees.

Literacy 70%. Official language English. All languages 72. Languages with Scriptures 8Bi 20NT 9por 17w.i.p.

Main exports are cocoa, gold and timber – all susceptible to market fluctuations. Earlier government overspending, mismanagement and corruption reduced this once-prosperous land to poverty, thereby greatly reducing living standards. Since 1984 there has been a slow, but steady improvement through greater government discipline. HDI 0.544; 133rd/174. Public debt 75% of GNP. Income/person $400 (1.4% of USA).

Independent from Britain in 1957. Nkrumah's 'socialist' experiment was a disaster from which the nation is taking years to recover. There have been five military regimes and three short-lived civilian governments since Nkrumah's overthrow in 1966. The revolutionary military government of Rawlings eventually opened up the way for multi-party elections in 1992, and again in 1996 but as a presidential democracy with autocratic leanings. In 2000 there was a successful democratic election and change of government.

Secular state with religious freedom since 1992 following a period of some restrictions. Increasing tensions between Christians, Muslims and Traditionalists have brought in some limitations.

Religions Population % Adherents Ann.Gr.
Christian 63.55 12,845,041 +2.4%
Muslim 21.00 4,244,624 +4.8%
Traditional ethnic 15.25 3,082,405 +1.6%
Baha'i 0.10 20,212 +2.7%
non-Religious/other 0.10 20,212 +2.7%

Christians Denom. Affil.% ,000 Ann.Gr.
Protestant 59 13.02 2,631 +3.7%
Independent 1,123 19.27 3,894 +4.5%
Anglican 1 1.24 250 +3.6%
Catholic 1 10.39 2,100 +1.6%
Marginal 13 1.48 298 +5.7%
Unafflilated   18.15 3,672 n.a.

Churches MegaBloc Cong. Members Affiliates
Catholic C 240 1,110,000 2,100,000
Ch of Pentecost I 4,000 600,000 1,000,000
Presbyterian Ch of G P 1,900 180,000 520,000
New Apostolic I 1,333 266,700 480,000
Methodist P 2,600 238,100 450,000
Seventh-day Adventist P 607 208,348 400,000
Apostolic P 1,800 260,000 380,000
Anglican A 490 125,000 250,000
Assemblies of God P 750 125,000 200,000
Jehovah's Witnesses M 988 61,176 200,000
African Faith Tabernacle I 1,100 128,000 160,000
Evang Presbyterian P 748 41,968 143,107
Ghana Baptist Conv P 942 80,000 130,000
Army of the Cross of Chr I 1,022 46,000 125,000
Apostles Revelation Soc I 285 50,000 110,000
Musama Disco I 1,000 55,000 110,000
Chs of Christ P 570 40,000 88,000
African Meth Epis Zion I 150 27,000 55,000
Christ Apostolic I 650 44,200 52,156
Evang Lutheran P 350 22,000 32,000
Ch of God (Cleveland) P 116 10,278 25,000
Salvation Army P 95 13,000 22,000
Evang Church of G P 116 3,748 10,481
Good News Churches P 200 3,000 9,000
Ch of God (Anderson) P 43 3,000 6,600
Chr Ch/Chs of Chr P 75 3,000 3,000
Other denoms [1,173]   8,872 1,217,000 2,112,000
Total Christians [1,199]   31,042 4,963,000 9,174,000

Trans-bloc Groupings pop. % ,000 Ann.Gr.
Evangelical 14.8 2,994 +6.2%
Charismatic 13.0 2,626 +5.7%
  Pentecostal 10.4 2,108 +6.2%
8.3 million nominal Christians in Ghana
14,000 un-Churched towns and villages in Ghana
2.3 million un-reached and allien people in southern Ghana
3.2 million un-reached and alien people in northern Ghana
6.2 million traditionals and adherents religious groups in Ghana
Please you have a part to play. Soul winning is a must for everyone.

Healing Ministration to the Congregation

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