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King James Foundation


Registered as non-governmental and non-profit organization under the authority of the Republic of Ghana Government.

Members of King James Foundation having written and adopted this constitution to regulate the affairs of our organization hereby declare to abide by the provision hereinafter:-


The organization is non-profit  organization and shall be known and called KING JAMES FOUNDATION



1.The headquarters of the foundation shall be in Accra-Ghana

2.There shall be branches throughout Ghana.


1.To promote educational programmes for orphans and the vulnerable children in our communities.

2.To advocate for the rights of children mainly through sensitization and advocacy with community leaders and liaison officers, seminar, workshops, and radio programmes about children rights.

3.To initiate and promote programmes concerned with provisions of relief aid, rehabilitation and development for children.


Membership is open to all people without regard of nationality, age, sex, religious or socio economic classes.


1.Each member is obliged to discharged its duties  conscientiously to uplift the image of the organization.

2.Support the organization in the fulfillment of its duties and help the work of the organization with active participation.

3.Respect the constitution and abide by it.


1.The governing board of the organization shall be the Executive Council.

2.The Executive Council shall consist of the following:-


1.The Executive Director shall head all other persons of the organization.

2.The Executive Director shall act in accordance with the advice of the Executive Council. He can however also act in accordance with the advice of any other person or authority.

3.Whenever the Executive Director dies ,resigns or is moved from office, or any reason the Executive Secretary shall assume his/her duties.

4.The Executive Director shall chair both the Executive and General Meetings.

5.The Executive Director shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie during voting at all meeting.


In the absence of the Executive Director, the Executive Secretary shall take over and assume the head of the organization.


1.The Treasurer keeps proper and updated records and accounts of all incomes and expenditures of the Foundation.

2.Submit records and accounts of the Foundation for scrutiny/audit every (12) months by a Board appointed by the National Executive Council.

3.Avail to National Executive Council records and accounts of the Foundation anytime on request.

4.Perform other duties from time to time as specified by the Foundation.


1.Elections of the Executive Officers shall be held as determined by the board.

2.The General Meeting shall appoint a Senior Member of the organization as an electoral officer who shall see to the proper conduct of the election.

3.Officers for the various offices shall be elected by a simple majority.

4.Audited Accounts and reports of the organization shall be presented by the Executive Council at the last business meeting before handing over.

5.There shall be proper handing over three (3) weeks after the election.


1.An Executive Member or Officer shall be remove from office if that officer is found in accordance the article (10).

a. Have acted in violation of any other section of this constitution.

b. To have conducted him or herself in a manner which brings the office of the organization into disrepute, ridicule or contempt.

c. Engage in acts of omissions involving or resulting in dishonesty and or inimical from the office of an officer notice in writing.

   i.  Signed by at least majority of the Executive Council

  ii. Stating act or omission of the officer (s) be investigation on ground of Article (8), ABC.

This shall be submitted to the Executive Director to invite the General Meeting to elect as three-members to investigate the matter and submit its findings to the General Meeting.


1)      Saving  and Current Account shall be opened with a Bank where funds shall be promptly paid.

2)      The organization shall choose its own Bankers at a General Meetings.

3)      There shall be (3) signatories to the Bank Account.

i.The Executive Director

ii.The Executive Secretary

iii.The Treasurer


1.The organization shall undertake projects to fulfill and promote its aim and objectives.

2.Project coordinators shall be appointed for each project or programmes.

3.Coordinators such as liaison officers shall submit reports on projects and programmes upon request by the Executive Council.

4.Coordinators shall be members of the organization.


1.There shall be a Council of Patrons under the organization: The Council shall be made up of an inspected number of public spirited individuals who cherish the ideas of peace and unity.

2.The Council shall constitute a fountain of honour under the organization.

3.Satutory meeting times of the Council shall be at the beginning and end of every year to receive and to review situational reports on the activities of the organization.

4.Selection of patrons shall be done by the National Executive Committee, on the recommendation of the organization and the approval of the Board of Directors.

5.They shall play the role of advisors and stabilizers.

6.The patrons are entitled to participate in all meeting of the organization anywhere in the country as observers only, and have therefore no right to vote. They shall perform any other function which in their opinion is deemed appropriate to the well-being of the organization and within the framework of the current constitution.


Amendment to the constitution shall be determined by the Executive Council as at when the need arises.

Copyright © 2006-2013 KJF .All Rights Reserved. Registered under Ghana Government NO.G-25.143, Social Welfare, Accra Metropolitan Authority-AMA. No part of the information, names addresses, phone contacts, e-mails, or whatever maybe be use from this webpage without the prior writing permission of KJF directorates. Please Report any abuse or fraud /Scam.

 NB: Please report to us if any unauthorized partner use this website, phones, e-mail, Information, projects, programmes or anything from this ministry to try to collect funds, donations, money or materials from you without our consent. You are free to contact, call or send us e-mail quick for verification before you act.